Monday, June 27, 2011

Mr and Mrs. Miner :)

You might have remembered this couple back last fall on my blog for some engagement photos, and I am excited to announce that they are MARRIED!! I got to enjoy this wedding as a guest, and truly enjoyed it. (This is a couple snap shots that i got with my smart phone) I wanted to share this you guys to tell you a little about my life/ friends.

My husband Chris, the groom Greg ,and the best man Pat have been very close friends since grade school. When i first met Greg and Pat it was just when Chris and I first started dating and it was just the four of us because Pat's soon to be wife Rachael (which i had not met yet) was away to college and Greg and Ashley had not started dating yet. When I was hanging out with them that night it was a lot of fun and you could tell that these guys had an awesome friendship, and at one point i remember thinking that night "I could only dream of me becoming close with their future wives." . I knew how hard women were to get a long with and let alone you rarely hear of couples being really close friends, but hey maybe?!?!?!

Over the next year or so I met both Pat's g/f Rach (now wife), and Greg's g/f Ashley(also now wife), and for the most part oddly enough the three of us had lots to talk about and over the next few years we all became very close. Close enough that when the guys didn't make plans with each other we were making girls nights out to catch up with each other.  Ashley and Rachael have turned into some of my closest friends and I am SO blessed to have them in my life. I truly cherish their friendship and and can't wait for many more years of memories.   Now being almost five years later  some of the happy times we have been through  are 2 vacations on the lake, 3weddings, 6 moves ( soon to be 8), numerous parties, and last but not least  baby Annabelle!

I thought I would share that little story with you guys of why the Miner Wedding was so special to the Hohlers :) Chris and I are so thankful that we all have some awsome friends like them. We truly enjoyed spending their big day with them!

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