Saturday, April 30, 2011

Fellow Photographer Amanda

I have noticed since I have started this hobby; it has made me rich in more ways than I have ever expected, and NO I am not talking about money. I am talking about the relationships/ friendships that I have built doing this. I can gain it both from the family that I do a session for or the fellow photographer that I am able to talk about photography and help eachother with tips and tricks. Amanda is one of those people that we have become closer because of the common ground of photography. We both thought that it would be fun to get together and take a few pictures of eachother for our blogs and for pictures of us(since we are behind the camera all the time we need something for our clients to know what we look like:) ). So here are a few of the ones that I took of her :) I will be working with her on a wedding this spring and super excited about it :)

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