Monday, April 23, 2012

Annual Spring Contest

Annual Spring into spring cute Kid/family Contest is back! So, here's how it works - it's your turn to be the photographer! I will be taking photo submissions now through April 1st at midnight. Your entry must be a photo of your family, regarless of age. I will then assemble the submissions into an album on my Facebook page on Saturday May 5th , and the voting will begin! In order to vote, you must be a Fan/Like my Facebook page. Then you may "Like" the entry you wish to vote for. Comments are encouraged, but only the "Likes" will count as votes. Feel free to recruit voters for your entry any way you can - post it to your Facebook profile, email your friends, tweet away - get creative! Trust me, you will want to do anything you can to win this prize. The winner will receive a complimentary full session, and a C.D with the Top 20 photos- valued at $130! Make sure to read the complete rules below before entering:

Photo Submissions

1. Entries must be emailed to I will send you a reply email confirming your entry.
2. Only one photo per family may be esubmitted.
3. The photo may be of what you call your family.
4. Please include the family last name in your entry to be used in the caption.
5. By submitting an entry, you give Hohler Photography permission to post the photo of the Facebook page, and to use the photo in promoting the contest.6. Your entry must have been taken by you or a family member - no professional or altered pictures will be accepted.
7. Submissions will be accepted from April 23rd through May 5th at midnight.


1. Voting will run from May 6th  to May 13th
2. To vote for an entry, you must become a fan/like my page, and then "Like" the entry you would like to vote for. Comments are encouraged, but do NOT count as votes.
3. You may vote for as many entries as you like, but only once per entry.
4. The winner (entry with the most votes at the end of the voting period) will be announced on May 14th.

1. The grade prize package includes: a complimentary full session, and a complimentary C.D. with top 20 photos,
2. Session must be scheduled before June 30,2011.

Now go get that camera or dig out that favorite picture! Email me at with any questions, or with your entry!